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Posts posted by Doom

  1. Es sieht so aus als ob die USA chinesische Hersteller von Wärmebild ZFs sanktioniert:



    Here is the announcement where iRay is called out:

    Here is the one where Guide is called out: https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy2318

    also took a snapshot of the relevant passage and attached them to this post.

    iRay just released a statement that they are continuing:


  2. https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/regional/niedersachsen/ndr-40-schusswaffen-aus-gueterzug-gestohlen-zwei-festnahmen-100.html


    Die 40 Schusswaffen sind den Angaben zufolge während eines Bahntransports entwendet worden. Sie sind voll funktionsfähig und ähneln äußerlich dem Sturmgewehr Typ "M16". Der Güterzug soll Medienberichten zufolge kein Militärtransport und unbewacht gewesen sein.


  3. Aus Tschechien, Anfang Februar, über mehrere Ecken bekommen:


    TLDR about today's passing of new firearms act in the Czech Republic:

    This is NOT a reaction to the December mass murder, the act has been in making since 2017. 1st and 2nd reading in the Chamber took place before the mass murder, 3rd today.
    There is no possibility to enter new amendments in 3rd reading. I.e. for any new restrictions, it would have to be returned to 2nd reading. We were hoping for adoption today - and that's what happened with vote 151:0. Next - Senate - where we again hope for adoption with no changes.
    There were about 10 pro-gun ammendments listed during 2nd reading that had mid to high chance of success before the attack. Unfortunately all but two were dismissed as direct reaction to the attack (deputies didn't want to be seen as watering down the law in the current media climate).


    From general point of view, the new firearms act passed today can be viewed as a technical change with little material effect on right to keep and bear arms. The "old" act was amended numerous times since 2002 and especially the last EU Gun Ban amendment of 2021 made it nearly incomprehensible, so that's why we have a completely new law now.
    If adopted by Senate, this act will be effective as of 2026, as it requires a completely new electronic database to be built up (we will forego paper documents entirely / instead of 10 years gun license, we will have firearms authorization which will be for life and subject to 5 years health check only).

    "We are blessed with having pro-gun people both at the Ministry of Interior as well as all important post within the Police, including the former and current chief of the anti-terror special forces unit. Both of them are strong supporters of concealed carry as a way to deal with terror threats.

    The fact that about a quarter of the Chamber of Deputies have their own concealed carry license and firearms (as opposed to about 3% of general population) also helps immensly."


  4. Zitat

    Eine Studie vergleicht waffenbasierte Tötungsraten fünf europäischer Länder: Die untersuchten Staaten mit der höchsten Waffenverfügbarkeit weisen die tiefste Quote auf.



    Original Artikel/Studie



    Taking together, our findings contradict the general notion – commonly based on international or US studies (Anglemyer et al., Citation2014; Hemenway & Miller, Citation2000; Hepburn & Hemenway, Citation2004) – that a higher rate of firearm availability is correlated with higher firearm homicide rate. Our findings do not support a correlation between firearm availability and firearm homicide prevalence. Specifically, of the five countries included in this study, the two countries with the highest estimated civilian firearm availability – Finland and Switzerland – report the lowest firearm homicide rate. On the contrary, and relative to their low legal firearm availability, Denmark and the Netherlands report high firearm homicide rates. Sweden has both a high firearm availability, as well as a high firearm homicide rate. These findings support previous studies and question the applicability of the availability hypothesis to the European context (Duquet & Van Alstein, Citation2015; Krüsselmann et al., Citation2021).


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