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Everything posted by Hollowpoint

  1. Das ist irgend so 'ne irre Konstruktion, die auf dem Lefaucheux-Stiftzünderpatronen basiert (siehe die Löcher in der Trommel, durch die die Zündstifte herausragen). GRUß
  2. Towarischtsch Volk hat wieder mal VOLL zugeschlagen: 8) :mrgreen: GRUß
  3. Da gibt's nur eine angemessene Strafe für ihn: lebenslänglich Altersheim! GRUß
  4. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: GRUß
  5. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: GRUß
  6. http://www.dwj.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=62 :evil: GRUß
  7. Der Wirtschaftsminister von Baden-Württemberg - Herr Dr. Döring FDP - bekannte sich klar zum Legalwaffenbesitz und zur Jagd! http://www.dwj.de/aktuell/tdw.php?seite=1&PHPSESSID=ff463ebec81b56a8eaa9959217733c99 GRUß
  8. Ja, ganz nett! 8) Aber die meisten verballern nur sinnlos Mun in die Landschaft. Als Ziel dient allenfalls ein altes Faß. :? Bei 20mm-HEI-Mun, 30mm-Kanonen und Granatwerfern hört der Spass allerdings auf!!! :gaga: :gaga: :gaga: GRUß
  9. .................wo doch alle Arten von Faustfeuerwaffen in "Groß"britannien verboten sind?!? http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/crime/story.jsp?story=448685 GRUß
  10. http://www.kctv5.com/Global/story.asp?S=1468428&nav=1PuZILDw Vermutlich war's 'ne GLOCK................ GRUß
  11. http://www.imao.us/archives/000914.html#000914 Frank on Guns: Gun Calibers This is the second part of primer for people who don't know much about guns. In my previous entry, I went over gun basics. Now let's discuss the almighty bullet. As stated before, the cartridge (a.k.a. kill'n fuel) consists of three parts: the kill'n activator, the gunpowder, and roundy, pointy thing which flies fast does the killer'n. What determines the power of the cartridge is the amount of gunpowder and the size of the roundy, pointy thing which flies fast does the killer'n (slug, for short). Now, I'm going to stick to mainly handgun calibers as that is what I know. Did you know the lower the shotgun gauge, the more powerful it is? That's crazy. Anyway, handguns are the coolest, and their name refers to the width of the bullet, either in parts of an inch or indecipherable metrics. What about the length of the cartridge, you ask? That's a secret. .22: This is target ammo. It's cheap and plentiful, but, for killer'n, it's only good if you just want to injure a squirrel. It's rimfire; you can hit it anywhere on the rim to start the kill'n activator. You don't have to be exact or anything, it will fire. .25 and .32: These start to look like baby versions of real bullets, being center fire (having a round little target on the back to start the kill'n activator). Some people want to ban certain types of ammo, and I say ban these. They're only good for wounding someone, and that's just mean. .380 (or 9mm short as known by Nazis and Commies): With this bullet, you're starting to get serious. This is what my Walther PPK fires. You really need something more that a regular FMJ to make it deadly though (more on this below). 9mm (or .380 long as known by me): A very popular bullet, especially after the high capacity craze started with Glock. Sure, you can fire 19 of these without reloading, but you'll need it to take someone down with this little pansy cartridge. Also popular with submachine guns… except for my man, Tommy. It's the bullet fired by the Beretta 92FS, the M9 sidearm of our troops. Poor troops only having a 9mm sidearm. I have a Walther P99 in 9mm myself, but, because of damn Clinton, I only have silly little 10-rd magazines for it. Bastard. 10mm: A high-powered semi-auto round made for the FBI. But it's a damn metrics bullet and hasn't really caught on. .40: Smith & Wesson shortened the 10mm and gave it nice American caliber name. This quickly became the choice round of law enforcement, because it's much more of a man-stopper than that pansy ass 9mm. .45: My man, .45. There are two .45's, both made popular by Colt. The first is known as the .45 Long Colt, and that's the bullet fired by the old West Peacemakers. What we mainly know as .45 today is the .45 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol) made popular by the ultimate semi-auto, the 1911 (that's the year Ronald Reagan was born; coincidence, I think not). It is also the bullet of the Thompson submachine gun (the Tommy gun), made popular in WWII and made unpopular by gangsters. It's a man's bullet, a nice big chunky SOB which you could probably knock someone unconscious just by throwing it at him. Do not fire this bullet if you're some girly man. .38 Special: A popular bullet for backup revolvers. What does special mean? Think like "special classes" and the kids who rode the short bus. It's not a very powerful cartridge. .357 Magnum: Magnum is Latin for large or great, and this is a great bullet for blowing some punk away. You might need to get both hands on this one. Why isn't it a .356 or a .358 you ask? Because some very scientifical people determined that .357 it should be. Any revolver that fires a .357 magnum can also fire a .38 special. Now isn't that special? .44 Magnum: "Are you feeling lucky? Well do ya, punk?" Dirty Harry caliber and that used by xXx. Actually, it might be a little too much for shooting a man unless you don't care about also shooting anyone who might stand a mile behind him. My dad originally bought one for fishing in Alaska in case he got attacked by a bear. I have a Colt Anaconda myself which I keep around in case a Florida alligator looks at me funny. There is a .44 Special, i.e., a retarded version. .454 Casull and .480 Ruger: Now we're just getting ridiculous. Just get yourself a damn rifle. .50 AE: AE if for Action Express. It's made by those crazy Israelis just for the Desert Eagle because those Palestinians are so annoying they wanted something extra big to shoot them with. 500 S&W Magnum: After caving in the anti-gun nuts, Smith & Wesson had to win back the heart of their consumers. They did this by making a freaking huge handgun caliber. If someone is robbing the house four houses down from you, you can shoot through all the houses and hit him with this. If all of these calibers are too weak for you, those crazy Israelis at Magnum Research can make revolvers for you chambered in rifle rounds like the venerable .30-.30. The only purpose of these is to freak out people at a gun range, and it takes a lot to freak out people at a gun range. So, the question is, what's good for killer'n? As I said, .380 is minimum, but you don't want a regular slug. When I say regular slug, I mean a full metal jacket (FMJ), just like the name of that movie ("What's your major malfunction, numbnuts?"). That’s when the slug is coated in metal. More stopping power is a hollow point, which has a hollow point. It collapses on impact leaving a regular entry wound and a big exit wound. The best are bullets that fragment on impact and spread throughout the perps body. If the bullet doesn't go through, that means all power was transferred to the perp, and that's what you want. Think stopping power, yo. The next questions is what caliber do you want to use to kill a monkey. The proper caliber should reduce a monkey to nothing but a fine red mist. That means, for a regular size monkey, use a bullet big enough to kill a gorilla. To kill a gorilla (scientific name gorilla gorilla), use something big enough to kill King Kong. To kill King Kong... well, God help us all. Next week we'll talk about popular handgun choices. Remember: No problem is so complex it can't be solved by proper firearm usage. Ich lach mich krank!!! DIESE REDNECKS!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 8) GRUß
  12. Sagen wir's mal so: Du kannst mir auch einen blasen, wenn ich Deine Q aus'm Graben ziehe! :mrgreen: *spuck* GRUß
  13. Aber SELBSTVERSTÄNDLICH!!! Die Vorlesungen von Prof. Dr. D. Irtyharry sind von maximaler Effizienz und haben Weltklasseniveau. Hier der Lehrplan: 1. Semester: Einführungsseminar: Wie überwinde ich meine Minderwetigkeitskomplexe 2. Semester: Gas oder nicht Gas, das ist hier die Frage 3. Semester: Der Wüsten-Igel - Eine bedrohte Art 4. Semester: Es muß nicht immer Magnum sein - Einführung in den Gebrauch von Raketenwerfern und H-Bomben 5. Semester: Selbstjustiz für Fortgeschrittene 6. Semester: Schmerzmaximierung - Das ultimative Ziel jeder Selbstverteidigung 7. Semester: Notwehr über alles 8. Semester: Segensreiche Paranoia 9. Semester: Effizienz ist Alles - Sicheres Töten in einer Sekunde 10. Semester: Rübe runter - Leicht gemacht GRUß
  14. KLAR! Verkäufer: "Vollidiot!" Möchtegern-Räuber: "O Scheisse!!!" Chinesisch ist doch gar nicht so schwer! GRUß
  15. Von einer Überwachungskamera gefilmt: Mißglückter Raubüberfall http://www.niaiseries.com/t19_voleuridiot.swf :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :kri: GRUß
  16. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=1626939&partnersite=espn Alabama: Vater erschoss beinahe Sohn, weil er sich über ein verlorenes Football-Spiel aufgeregt hatte. :gaga: :evil: GRUß
  17. http://www.knoxnews.com/kns/local_news/article/0,1406,KNS_347_2280747,00.html Cops feuerten 28 Schüsse aus 25 yards Entfernung auf bewaffneten Mann ab und schafften es immerhin, einen Streifschuss anzubringen! Die Waffe des Irren war eine LuPi, er wollte "suicide by cop" begehen. Insofern ist der Ausgang des Geschehens nicht weiter tragisch, aber er spricht Bände über die Schießkünste vieler US-Cops. Aber höchstwahrscheinlich sind die deutschen Streifenhörnchen (mangels Schießtraining) in dieser Beziehung auch nicht besser! GRUß
  18. ..............könnte man sich schlapplachen! http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,98456,00.html :evil: :gaga: :puke: GRUß
  19. http://onnachrichten.t-online.de/c/09/86/27/986274.html CDU sagt dem Weiberzirkus den Kampf an! Männerquote an deutschen Schulen soll her! GRUß
  20. Für Luftikusse bleibt so ziemlich alles beim Alten. Nachwuchsschützen dürfen IN DER REGEL (Ausnahmen sind möglich) erst ab 12 Jahre anfangen LuPi/LG zu schiessen. Bei Großkaliber sieht's da schon übler aus........... :evil: GRUß
  21. NÖ, lieber nicht! 8) Ich meinte mehr die diversen kleinen Widerwärtigkeiten des Lebens........ GRUß
  22. Recht dickhäutig, die Dame! Glück gehabt!!! Vielleicht war es "nur" ein .251"-Geschoss aus einer 6,35mm-Browning-Waffe?!? Egal, wie dem auch sei, wenn sie den Schützen kriegen, sollte er eine gewisse Zeit die Vorzüge kostenloser staatlicher Verpflegung genießen dürfen. :evil: Na ja, am mir prallt auch vieles ab.................... GRUß
  23. Darf ich dann auch mal Joschka Fischer als Geisel nehmen, oder bin ich schon zu alt dafür, um mit Bewährung wegzukommen?!? DER würde bestimmt ein tolles Stockholm-Syndrom bei mir entwickeln! GRUß
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