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Italian branch of Firearms United attacked by Itlalian branch of One World


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Unimondo, the Italian branch of OneWorld, an enormous pacifist organization, publicly attacked the Italian branch of Firearms United in an article wich is almost funny, full of prejudices, errors and exagerations.

The article can be found here with automatical translation:The shooting at tThe shooting at the Court of Milan and the gun lobbyhe Court of Milan and the gun lobby

And here’s the reply by Firearms United – Italia , wich has been published on Facebook and sent via email to the “journalist”, wich has a funny name, considering his ideologic position… let’s have some fun:

“Dear Mr. Beretta,

in your article you make fun of us because of our 2.429 followers (today they are 2.576) and you brag about the 94.370 followers of Unimondo. It’s interesting to consider that our article about what happened at Milan’s Courthouse was shared by 270 people and yours by 2, including us.

Facebook bragging aside, you think that writing to our lawmakers to state our reasons is a “worrysome initiative”: well, seems that any citizen or association normally uses this worrysome methods, Unimondo included.

Italian branch of Firearms United attacked by Itlalian branch of One World - GunNews

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