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Nackenschlag für die Firma, die nicht genannt werden darf.

El Marinero

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Nachdem die Stöpsel und James Bond-Artefakte in Europa nicht ziehen, hat es jetzt endlich auch in USA die erhoffte Klatsche gegeben. Hoffentlich hört dieser widerliche Biometrie- und sonstige Mist bald überall auf und wird als das entlarvt, was er wirklich ist:

Sinnloser Quatsch in Verbindung mit Volksverarschung und reiner Geldmache.

Gun rights advocates and Arm*atix executives have been mystified by the store’s Response,...



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Nachdem die Stöpsel und James Bond-Artefakte in Europa nicht ziehen, hat es jetzt endlich auch in USA die erhoffte Klatsche gegeben. Hoffentlich hört dieser widerliche Biometrie- und sonstige Mist bald überall auf und wird als das entlarvt, was er wirklich ist:

Sinnloser Quatsch in Verbindung mit Volksverarschung und reiner Geldmache.



Die Washington Post liegt wie so oft ein Wengerl daneben. Das Geschäft hatte nie die Intention das Geraffel zu verkaufen. Sie interessierten sich für eine Anlage die den Sicherheitswinkel vorgibt, für ihren Schießstand. Dann haben sie die Sache aber abgeblasen weil zu kompliziert und unsicher. Das war die Verbindung zu A. So ein US Kontakt von mir, der den Laden kennt. Man soll auch etwas unrund sein, weil angeblich unter dieser Adresse eine Importlizenz beantragt wurde.

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Ich möchte betonen, dass sich mein Post in keinster Weise gegen Oak Tree richtet.

Weiterhin habe ich mir gerade erlaubt, Herrn Rosenwald von der Washington Post die Fakten über die Firma, die nicht genannt werden darf, zukommen zu lassen.

Guuter Mann. Katjas Unterlagen zu dem Unternehmen kursieren übrigens bereits in US Svhützenkreisen.

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Mir kommt im Zusammenhang mit dieser unsäglichen Technik immer eine Szene aus dem Film "Blackhawk Down" ins Gedächtnis:

Der kommandierende Offizier der Rangers stellt während der Essenausgabe einen der "Deltas" zur Rede, als er bemerkt, dass dessen umgehängte M4 nicht gesichert ist. Auf die ungesicherte Waffe angesprochen, dreht sich der "Delta" zu dem Offizier um, hält ihm seinen ausgestreckten Zeigefinger vor die Nase und sagt: "Das ist meine Sicherung!"

Mehr gibt's zu dem Thema eigentlich nicht zu sagen. ...

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Den Autor vom Examiner habe ich schon im September alle Unterlagen zu Ax geschickt.

Daraufhin hatte er im Oktober schon die Verflechtung von Armatix und IANSA dargestellt und auf mein Dossier und Michael Kuhns Blog verwiesen.


Dan More hat mich dann auf die Diskussion im kalifornischen Gunforum hingewiesen und wir haben uns beide dort beteiligt: er mit Beiträgen und ich mit Infos an ihn. Zudem haben wir auf den FB-Seiten das Dossier und die Statements vs. Realität von Ax verwiesen.

Lt. Forum ist die Seriennummer der Ax-Pistole NIEMALS im Waffenhandelsbuch von California Gun Girls gewesen.


Demnach wird vermutet, dass Ax das Foto gefakt hat (die Preisschilder ohne Kenntnis von CGG gefertigt hat)

Das hat mir Dan more geschickt - muss irgendwo auf calguns.net nachzulesen sein:

Zitat calguns.net

As promised.

This was typed up on Notepad which has no spellchecker so if you see any misspellings, deal with it.

As I have gone over before I went up to Oaktree last week to listen to their side of the story and look around the area to see what had been built and what was there now.

When the Washington Post story broke I sent a text to my friend who works up there, the one who had asked me to come up, and was relatively pissed. The picture of the gun in the case looked like I had been lied to and worse from my view my assessment of the story and read on the people telling it seemed to have been 180 degrees off. I am not infallible but I do think I'm fairly good at reading people and detecting BS.

He sent back that Betsy, the Owner/Manager was going to call me in a few minutes.

She did and asked what was going on and what aticle was I talking about.

While on the phone I emailed her the links and listened as she read it. The conversation became quite.. animated.. at that point. This was the first she had seen of the article and the quotes. There was serious anger about some of the quotes by Belinda, such as the claim that Oaktree 'wanted more guns expecting a rush' and the condescending tone toward Jim Mitchell, 'I felt bad for him he was tring to do something good'. I could her Jim Mitchell in the background reading the quotes exclaiming loudly 'When the hell have I ever talked like that!?! Does that sound like how I talk!?!'

After a few moments when they calmed down a bit I asked about the tag in the photo that sure looked like they were selling th guns. Betsy said that that was her tag but there were a few problems. She did not know who printed it or why and they do not use the tag for POS inventory the tag does not mean it was in their inventory. She suspected it was printed at Belinda's request by their IT guy for the Black Friday event at Oaktree where Armatix was trying to demo their range system.

I expanded the picture and got the serial number off the tag and gave it to her. She ran it through her FFL log and found no match, according to her that serial number is not in their bound book or log. She then offered to have me come up and go through both the bound book and the computer log to verify that that serial number and no Armatix product were in either. At a later point in the discussion when the pistol came back up she said she was going to speak to their BATFE Inspector and try to find out who the pistol as regged to, who imported it and to have her logs verified by ATF as not having that or any Armatix firearms in them.

I then asked about the quotes, Jim Mitchell denied making them and as we went over the articles it became more apparent that the source of his quotes appeared to be Belinda Padilla. And Belinda was the source for the pictures as well. More animation ensued for a few moments.

This is when the discussion turned to offering to forward me the emails from the WP reporter threatening that if they did not give him and interview he was was going to writing more from other sources that would hurt them. Apparently he had made similar comments an threats to the NRA's PR dept when they turned him down for an interview too.

This is when the discussion turned to the need to contact their attorney and take action. At that point I started to bow out of the discussion as I was not and am not a party to any legal action. I did advise that they make a simple statement that the the gun is not and never has been in their inventory or for sale, the statements in the article are incorrect and fraudulent as is the picture. No more can be said due to pending litigation. Then call their attorney because if they cal him first and he's any good at all he will tell them to not say anything and they need to put something out.

Champagne and Beer asked my opinion so here it is.

I know anger, frustration and exasperation when I see it (I cause all three often enough for my wife to be an expert..) and hear it. During the time Betsy was reading the article and I heard her hyperventilating and heard the off the cuff responses, some of which I can not post here. I have been offered the chance to go to Oaktree and look through the books to verify that there are not and never were any Armatix in their inventory or bound book. None of this strikes me as the actions or reactions of someone hiding something.

In my opinion in regards to Betsy, California Gun Girls and Oaktree I do believe that the intent was to check out a range safety system only and as time and information goes by I believe Armatix played them big time and now is trying to throw them under the bus.

Note that I did not mention Jim Mitchell. He does not run Oaktree, Betsy and her sister run Oaktree, California Gun Girls hold the FFLs, an 01 and 06 no 08, and the pro shop. Jim Mitchell appears to be kind of an 'owner emeritus' as he handed it over to them but is still their father. As far as the quotes attributed to him I don't doubt some have been exaggerated one or two may have been fabricated but I also do think some of them were said by him. I doubt anything he said was malicious but I can easily see where is would be not thought out. Whether he said them, was misquoted or they were fabricated is an annying side show at best. At the end of the day he handed control over some years ago and does not run Oaktree so his input is a PR problem at best.

In my opinion Armatix presented themselves as offering a range safety system and once they had a foot in the door tried to use Oaktree to further their agenda. When Oaktree balked and said they wouldn't sell them Belinda tried to tie them further to Armatix with press releases and staged photos. Now that Oaktree has kicked them to the curb and they know no one else is going to touch them (Belinda already approached Rettings and was turned down, she's shopping for an FFL that will do a transfer ) so she wants to make Oaktree the villian and scapegoat so someone will sell her product and trigger the various laws that are pending.

I was asked for my opinion, I've put my cards on the table, shared as much as I feel I can in good conscience and perhaps a bit more and given my opinion. Take it for what it is worth.

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